Monthly Exam Analysis Meeting
At midday on 25th October, 2018, Anqing Foreign Language School’s Senior High Department convened the analysis meeting in regard to the monthly exam results in the 12th grade at the conference room on the first floor of the administrative building. The meeting was chaired by Deputy Director Cao Siqing with the Senior High Section and attended by Principal Assistant Qian Zhihong, Vice Director Liu Qiongdan from the Senior High Division and all the teachers from Grade 12.
First of all, Deputy Director Cao Siqing analyzed the examination situation in each score section. He pointed out that head teachers and discipline teachers should focus on students’ weak subjects instead of only paying attention to score values. On the other hand, the teaching contents and methods were supposed to be arranged reasonably on the basis of sufficient studies on students. What’s more, in view of the problems in the first monthly exam, teachers should provide necessary guidance, remind students to make full use of every minute, consolidate predominant disciplines and strengthen weak subjects.
Second of all, Principal Assistant Qian Zhihong emphasized that in the first round review stage, teachers should scientifically arrange the review plans in accordance with the exam instructions of the 2018 College Entrance Examination. For one thing, head teachers were requested to do a good job of echelon construction, make clear students’ learning objectives in each studying phase, follow up students’ weak subjects in time, establish authority and be strict with students. For another, course teachers were required to set a good example for students, enhance crisis awareness, reinforce their sense of urgency and pay attention to the construction of study styles. In the meantime, teachers were supposed to focus on scientificity when preparing lessons and be well directed when explaining questions.
All in all, this meeting not only summarized the teaching situation of the previous stage, but also set the direction for the teaching work of the next phase. Thus, it is hoped that all the teachers from the 12th grade will exert the utmost effort and move forward towards the goal!